Weekend at Barbeque nation , Banjara Hills

At the lovely Barbeque nationFriends

Food joints are great places to visit with friends... and if u r working , then u can imagine wat keeps adding to the talk... once abt the girls around u then ppl around u and more importance is given to the supervisor... but tats like the live music thats played around...

I've been to this place called "Barbeque Nation" this weekend with my colleagues ( my new friends at office).Located in Banjara hills , just opposite to City Centre Mall, Hyderabad. Its a very good place to visit.

If you r a kind of person who likes hot stuff and that too just starters, they r d specialists... they offer 5 varieties of Non-veg n 5 varieties of Veg.
U can continue with just the starters if u wish too until n unless u bend the flag post on ur table which indicates that u r done wid the starters and then one can start with a small range of buffet which is also good.

Desserts as usual are prepared very well.So as you can imagine what a place it can be... u would need to make reservation hours before u arrive or else u wud be kept waiting for a long time. And the price of the buffet menu served for dinner is 575 for non-veg and 525 for veg and taxes follow as usual.

Don forget to try their special gheelani naan... if u just want to know wats on ur menu list u can just find it on ur table.

Hey... this place is not complete with the most special thing that makes the place more special... its the LIVE barbequeing... so u can just take ur food tats panner or mushroom or chicken or mutton and get them well heated till u get satisfied .

The ambience is very good n u wud be served until u say... enough !!! This is a place to visit, so dont miss it.

Pls share ur experiences too.


baba said…
expecting u to rite even more frequently.. ur fan dheeraj

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