A visit I have undreamt of to "AT&T Performing Arts Center"

This was one thing I didn't happen to think of doing during my stay at Dallas Downtown. It was experimental but had good time while I stumbled to know of this show called "Love Loss & What I Wore".  A 90 minute show introduced me to how plays are performed and this was a unique one as I haven't seen such a performance until now. It was great as the ladies spectacularly lived the characters as it slowly involved me with the emotions played on the stage. Before the show began my friend and I strolled across the AT&T Performing Arts Theater.

There have been a couple of #BIGDallas signs across the downtown for promoting Dallas Downtown. And, it has been an impressive setup and attracted quite a lot of people posing with signs. And, I had a couple of them taken to be part of the fun.

This is the theater where the play Love, Loss and What I Wore was performed.

These were few pictures I planned to take the previous evening to capture the reflections of the high-rise towers that make the downtown look pretty. The sight of these buildings in the thinnest layer of water gave my eyes a great satisfaction. Lately, I have realized that it is sometime food to enjoy the view with the natural eye than the artificial ones as not all of the scenes can be captured.

In the background are the LN Holdings property and the Fountain Place.

The blue tower in the background is the new the KPMG office.

What's visible in the picture is "The Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe"

This picture shows the steel statue that stands in front of Booker T.Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts.

Another picture with the reflection of the Chase Tower, KPMG Tower and L.P.Holdings.


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