Ant"elope" Canyon

You know why I call this Ant"elope" canyon? There's absolutely a stunning reason why I believe the name sets well for this place (keep reading until the end to find why). I visited Antelope canyon amidst a weekend that was a trip meant for a grand occasion to celebrate an event with my work colleagues at Las Vegas. One of my colleagues on the project whom I closely work with expressed interest to explore the places close by to Vegas. Though we planned to visit many places we ended up visiting few but the most memorable ones. It was about 7 AM in the morning when we arrived Page,AZ to start out our trip to the Antelope Canyon. Our day began pretty early (as early as 4 AM) as we had to drive from Maswik Lodge (a wonderful lodge maintained by Xanterra group) located on the South Rim of Grand Canyon (two and half hours away from Page, Arizona).

The beautiful sunrise was the first thing I got to view as we entered Page,

We chose to visit Upper Antelope Canyon at 8AM (it was very cold out 40F) when we approached the place. It kept getting colder as we kept progressing inside the beautiful canyon. As we continued getting mesmerized looking at the beauty standing in front of us, my body slowly ignored the chills that were passing through the narrow gorges formed few centuries ago. The beautiful gorges were formed by the wind and water that passed this place. It really is a feast to the eyes to see the colors on the rock and grooves that were formed naturally on the rocks. What surprises one the most is that how nature can be so creative in packing artwork by itself with the natural resources. The tiny openings between the rocks let sunlight enter the canyon to provide a wonderful perspective to the rocky edges in the canyon.

Here are few pictures I captured during our tour in Antelope Canyon (these pictures would add more story than the words I used to describe),

Notice the shadows of a human face in between the narrow edges of the rock in the below photo,

Few pictures of the flora above Antelope Canyon (shows how dry the place can become),

This is me busy taking pictures of Antelope Canyon (picture credits, Tori - our tour guide)

Well I think the pictures above should at least let you understand my feeling about why I call Ant"elope" Canyon because I was eloped by it's beauty. If you like to get the usual pictures of the sunlight on you, it's recommended to book tours between 11.30 AM and 2.00 PM.

Peter Lik, a famous photographer known for his most note-worthy pictures in Antelope Canyon provides a great interest to any amateur photographer to visit this beauty and capture the colors on the rocks. Don't miss exploring this place.


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